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Manual Setup

Step 1: Pull Findora docker image​

Navigate to your project folder and pull docker image. Here, we are downloading the findorad which is the node of the Findora Network. For security and stability reasons, make sure to download the live version. First we need to query the live version number

export LIVE_VERSION=$(curl -s | awk -F\  '{print $2}')export FINDORAD_IMG=findoranetwork/findorad:${LIVE_VERSION}
In this example, we get the live version is `v0.3.27-release`. Then we download the correct version by
docker pull ${FINDORAD_IMG}

Verify you have the latest version by checking for the tag as seen in the picture below

docker image ls

Step 2: Setup fn CLI​

  1. You will need the Findora Node Setup (fn) CLI tool that contains the neccessary sub-commands to setup a validator node and stake/unstake FRA.

    Download according to your operating system:

    You can also run a node on windows via Windows Subsystem for Linux

  2. Move your downloaded fn to your path directory by either running

    mv fn /usr/local/bin/

    or by running the command below if you moved the fn file to HOME

    cp $HOME/fn /user/local/bin/
  3. Ensure that binaries have executable permisions set correctly

Step 3: Configure Local Node​

  1. Set Environment Path Variables

    export ROOT_DIR=< The data path of your node >
  2. Create ledger data directory

    First we are going to clean up any old data you might have by removing the ROOT_DIR folder. Be sure to backup all your keys (validator, node and wallet key) before removing this directory.


    Proceed with caution - Since the ROOT_DIR is the source of the connection to Mainnet, you might lose your funds if the keys are not backed up properly

    sudo rm -rf ${ROOT_DIR}

    Now create a new ledger data directory

    sudo mkdir -p ${ROOT_DIR}
  3. Initialize Tendermint

    Initializing Tendermint will create a node key (stored in a newly created file at the path ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.json). The node key will be used to identify your node, sign blocks and perform other tendermint consensus-related tasks.

 docker run --rm -v ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint:/root/.tendermint ${FINDORAD_IMG} init --mainnet || exit 1
Set correct permission
sudo chown -R `id -u`:`id -g` ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint/
  1. Get the link for latest Chain Data

    Set your namespace to the current working environment

    export NAMESPACE=mainnet

Get latest chain link and export URL to variable

wget -O "${ROOT_DIR}/latest" "https://prod-${NAMESPACE}"export CHAINDATA_URL=$(cut -d , -f 1 "${ROOT_DIR}/latest")

Run echo $CHAINDATA_URL to verify the link

  1. Download the Data

    Next, you need to download the data from the link you got in the step above. This might take a while.

    wget -O "${ROOT_DIR}/snapshot" "${CHAINDATA_URL}"

    Run the following commands to finish the process.

        mkdir "${ROOT_DIR}/snapshot_data"    tar zxvf "${ROOT_DIR}/snapshot" -C "${ROOT_DIR}/snapshot_data"    mv "${ROOT_DIR}/snapshot_data/data/ledger" "${ROOT_DIR}/findorad"    rm -rf ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint/data    mv "${ROOT_DIR}/snapshot_data/data/tendermint/${NAMESPACE}/node0/data" "${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint/data"    rm -rf ${ROOT_DIR}/snapshot_data

If you encounter a security issue error when trying to initialize findora node, you may need to manually approve its security privileges in your OS first and then re-run the command again.

Step 4: Generate Staking Key​

  1. Generate Keys

    Generate a new, random pair of public and private keys that will be used for FRA staking:

    fn genkey > ${ROOT_DIR}/tmp.gen.keypair

    To view the keys: cat ${ROOT_DIR}/tmp.gen.keypair


    # Note: This is an example. Do not use them in your own node.Wallet Address: fra1955hpj2xzkp4esd5928yhtp0l78ku8fkztvwcypvr8mk6x8tkn6sjsajunMnemonic: repair drink action brass term blur fat doll spoon thumb raise squirrel tornado engine tumble picnic approve elegant tube urge ghost secret seminar blameKey: {    "pub_key": "LSlwyUYVg1zBtCqOS6wv_49uHTYS2OwQLBn3bRjrtPU=",    "sec_key": "b0MGhK7xaRQHuhzFkaBhQ1o4GwTumJEWt1NQ7FChNwA="}
  2. Importing private key to wallet

    For convenience, you can import the sec_key (aka private key) into any Findora wallet (Win/Mac wallet, mobile wallet, CLI wallet tool, etc.), to check and manage your FRA balances or to view historical transaction data for this wallet address.


    The private key or the mnemonic should never be shared with anyone, even with people from the Findora community or development team. Our mods will never ask for this information. It would be advisable to keep a backup of your mnemonic on a separate storage, should you ever need to restore it.

  3. Store your keypair for future use

cp ${ROOT_DIR}/tmp.gen.keypair ${ROOT_DIR}/mainnet_node.key
  1. Store Mnemonic words

    For convenience in setting up your node via the fn tool, store your 24 mnemonic keywords (located inside tmp.gen.keypair) into ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonic

    echo <24 mnemonic keywords> > ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonic


    # Note: This is an example. Do not use them in your own node.echo "repair drink action brass term blur fat doll spoon thumb raise squirrel tornado engine tumble picnic approve elegant tube urge ghost secret seminar blame" > ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonic

Step 5: Connect to the Network​

To connect fn with the Findora Network, use this command:

fn setup -S

To connect your staking key (inside node.mnemonic) to fn, use the below command. This allows fn to sign transactions on your behalf.

# Ex: fn setup -O ${ROOT_DIR}/node.mnemonicfn setup -O <Path to the mnemonic of your node> || exit 1

To connect your Node Key to fn, use the command below.

# Ex: fn setup -K ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.jsonfn setup -K <path to validator key> || exit 1

Step 6: Start or Upgrade Local Node​

Stop your local container if necessary using this command:

docker rm -f findorad || exit 1

To start your validator container, run this command

docker run -d \    -v ${ROOT_DIR}/tendermint:/root/.tendermint \    -v ${ROOT_DIR}/findorad:/tmp/findora \    -p 8669:8669 \    -p 8668:8668 \    -p 8667:8667 \    -p 8545:8545 \    -p 26657:26657 \    -e EVM_CHAIN_ID=2152 \    --name findorad \    ${FINDORAD_IMG} node \    --ledger-dir /tmp/findora \    --tendermint-host \    --tendermint-node-key-config-path="/root/.tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.json" \    --enable-query-service \    --enable-eth-api-service
Logging for Node:
docker logs -f findorad

Step 7: Check Local Node Status​

If the following commands return status messages without any errors, then your node has been successfully configured and started

curl 'http://localhost:26657/status'curl 'http://localhost:8669/version'curl 'http://localhost:8668/version' # Only if you set the 'ENABLE_LEDGER_SERVICE'curl 'http://localhost:8667/version' # Only if you set the 'ENABLE_QUERY_SERVICE'

Step 8: Check Signing​

Run the following on console on your server to show the latest stats.

fn show

For the next steps, proceed to this Staking Guide to learn how to fund your validator and stake FRA.

© Findora 2022