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Rialto Refund Mechanism


Rialto is a bridge application which provides connectivity between two EVM compatible chains. It achieves this by providing event relaying across chains.

Types of bridges​

Rialto has two types of bridges

  • Incoming Bridges : These are all bridges that bring liquidity to our system from foreign L1 chains. For these bridges, the source chain for tokens is not Findora EVM.

    • Example: BUSD Bridge
      BUSD(Existing on BSC) <-> BUSD.b (Existing on FRA)
      Use Case: Bring TVL to our network
  • Outgoing Bridges : These bridges move liquidity out of our ecosystem to other L1 chains. FRA EVM is the source chain for all of them.

    • Example : FRA Bridge
      FRA(existing on FRA EVM) <-> FRA.f (Existing on BSC)
      Use Case: Enables us to create LPs in DEX's like Pancake Swap.

Note : Both the bridges are bidirectional

How a bridge functions​

Using BUSD <-> BUSD.b (Incoming Bridge) as an example

  1. Rialto deployes a locking contract on BSC , and a minting contract on FRA EVM
  2. User approves locking Smart contract on BSC - Uses pays gas in BNB (BSC)
  3. User deposits to locking smart contract - User pays gas in BNB (BSC)
  4. Relayers relay locking event and Vote to mint Busd.b - Relayers pay in FRA (funded by operators)
  5. Busd.b is minted and trasfered to recipent . The recipent address is part of the event relayed .

Why we need a refund mechanism​

  • A user has to pay gas twice in step 1 and step 2 above, in the source chain. Although the value of the gas usage might not be much in terms of USD for chains like BSC, but this amount can be substantial for the Ethereum network. We plan to subsidise the users in some way.
  • Provide a user with FRA , as soon as they bring their tokens to our chain. Obtaining which might be difficult for users since they would have to buy it from exchanges like
  • This can also be used for marketing. The idea of getting gas refunded is appeling to most defi users.
  • The refund mechanism is required only for Incoming chains. We do not need a one for outgoing as tx at the moment since FRA fees are currently very low.

Refund Mechanism​

  • The main idea is to refund the users in FRA equivalent for what they spend in the source chain. Example: If a user spends 1 BNB in gas (hypothetical). We refund 1 BNB = $640 i.e $640/$0.04 FRA = 16,000 FRA

  • Note

    • A calculation like this might benefit from using a oracle price feed, but we can also do this calculation offchain.
    • The gas usage for Approve and Deposit transactions is almost constant .
    • Although the gas price might vary , we can account for that by keeping this distribution value easily configurable. ( More details on this on the Techinical implementation section)
    • Integrating with a price feed oracle will be a bigger developemt effort and would definitly delay the launch a little bit.

Technical Implementation​

  • Using the same example as above . When BUSD.b is minted on FRA EVM , the smart contrct emits an event which contains {Recipient Address , Name of token minted}.
  • The token name / address of the minting token can be used to obtain the SourceChain .(Tokens like USDT would still have different minting contracts on FRA EVM)

Create an off-chain deamon​

  • The deamon maintains the following maps
   refund_amount =  map[Sourcechain]Amount
refund_amoun[BSC] -> 250 FRA
refund_amoun[ETH] -> 2000 FRA
   gas_used_l1 = map [SourceChain]GasUsed
gas_used_l1[BSC] -> 1000
gas_used_l1[ETH] -> 1000
  • This map amount is based on the USD calculation below

      gas_price = fetch (Cmc API with parameter SourceChain) 
    fra_price = fetch (Cmc API with parameter FRA)
    usd_value_source_chain = gas_used_l1[SourceChain] * gas_price
    refund_amount = usd_value_source_chain / fra_price * reducing_factor [More details on reducing factor in later sections]
  • This daemon then listens to events from the minting smart contract and uses the calculations above to create a list like below

DistributionList : [
"address" : "0x96B05C238b99768F349135de0653b687f9c13fEE",
"refund_amount" : "250"
  • The daemon should only add an entry to this list after it has been confirmed on the blockchain i.e receive atleast three confirmations

  • Since this daemon can parse events as soon as the are commited , the maximum price fluctiontion that we have to worry about is 3 blocks , i.e 48secs .

Create a distribution script​

  • THe distribution script parses the DistributionList json , creates sendTx for each entry and submits the transactions
  • The sender of this tx can be a Foundation controlled address (Need inputs here)

Additional points to note​

  • The refund amount should be at max equivalent to the USD amount the user spend in the orginal chain ( Preferably we keep the reducing_factor less than 1). This will prevent users from spamming transactions and burning out the relayer balances. ( the relayers pay to vote for every transfer).
  • For outgoing chains, we should set a relayer-fee for the same purpose as above. The vote txs would cost us quite a bit on L1 chains like Ethereum.
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